Monday, 22 October 2012


The Big Draw was a fantastic event held at the Barton Hall, Chilwell, Nottingham as part of the Carnival of Monsters. Aimed as an opportunity for children to have an afternoon of art with wonderful resources and the chance to make and create lots of fun things. I took part in assisting the event, it was brilliant fun, there was puppet and mask making and a massive painting for them to all colour in. It started out as a nice illustration of the typical fairytale scenario; y’know fairies, pirates and monsters, but descended into madness as these kids, some still in nappies (some ONLY in nappies) ended up rolling around in the paint, it was all over their clothes, hair, faces; they were painting themselves, each other, it was hilarious. They were having so much fun, the only brutal part was the thump every few minutes as one of them slipped in the paint, but thanks to Petit Filous they just hopped back up and carried on, very funny to watch!

It is a brilliant annual event; totally free, and as long as you have good washing powder definitely bring your kids to it nexyear! 

(Photos courtesy of the Carnival of Monsters Big Draw facebook page)

Saturday, 20 October 2012

first work with resources

Since collecting all my new resources I have been playing around with them and these are a few of my initial experiments;

Friday, 19 October 2012


Here is my 'space', no lovely corner with a window overlooking a park scattered with fallen autumnal leaves to inspire me, but at least I have some wall this time! For those who have been to art college, you would understand that the matter of space is one of total stress and drama; initially at the beginning of the year  the crazy battle begins on the first day back to claim the best spot, although a month in people usually give up and succumb with a bitter acceptance that for the next few months at least they will be crammed onto a table in the middle of a room (with no wall space) surrounded by  people who are making far better work since since they have better spot, obviously.
This whole few days of utter hysteria is only repeated at the end of the year when the time comes to actually hang the work up, anyway since we’re no way near at that point, all is well and I am quite satisfied with my spot.

So since stating my concept in my statement of intent I’ve been collecting lots of resources to work with. The best ones are from old knitting patterns and housewife manuals, as well as some really amazing old photos. They are so inspiring; I can’t wait to take my scalpel to them!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Statement of Intent

The main focal point that I want to look at and develop in this module is the exploration of the medium of collage. I have become really interested in this practice, having delved into it briefly last term in my final unit when I focused on the process of cutting up and rearranging shapes on paper, in a minimalistic format. I still appreciate this minimalist look although it is not so key to me anymore, but my enjoyment of the practice has grown. I am particularly interested in the aspect of sourcing the materials from which to use. The process of finding unusual source materials and then cutting up and rearranging them is an exciting and sustainable method of working. Reusing and ultimately ‘regenerating’ these materials is a unique form of recycling with beautiful results. 
I am really interested in the very relevant issues of the sexualisation of young girls and all the connotations that follow; the lack of suitable ‘role’ models, the ready availableness of pornography and the effect that has upon the attitude towards women; the expectations and how certain forms of behaviour are now deemed ‘acceptable’ in society. I will look into the work of Ukrainian feminist group Femen, who are campaigning uncompromisingly and extraordinarily for the equality of women particularly in Eastern Europe where the sex trade is rife; where you are living and what religion you are makes a great deal difference to how women are treated. The Romany Gypsy way of life is an interesting example; as a result of programs like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding the general public have the opportunity to see what it is like on the inside of these notoriously secretive families, and may be surprised at what beliefs they hold about women in the family role.
Ultimately I am interested in the way childhood has changed, in particular the effects that would have upon relationships particularly the ones between mothers and daughters.  Despite how well a parent one can assume that they are, it would be impossible for their child not to be influenced by her contemporaries where role models are winners of the ‘X Factor’ for instance.  This lack of appropriate role models for our current generation is worrying and I am interested in the differences within today’s generations and those from past generations. How the traditional perfect housewife and mother with perfect children and a clean house is less of a reality these days and simply a naïve outmoded ideal, and more importantly even if it seems ‘perfect’ more often than not it isn’t the case. The film The Perfect Family is an example of that chocolate box façade.  But it is interesting to see just how people’s ideals have altered and what has replaced them; aspirations to be ‘popstars’ and ‘glamour’ models.  I want to explore the different variations of family life through the practice of collage. I will use Cutting Edges; Contemporary Collage as a reference book, full of examples of what the world of collage is producing today, and look into the work of artists like Lillianna Pereira. I want to see what I can create as a representation of femininity and the idea of the ‘ideal’ family life through different resources which I have sourced.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Frieze Art Fair

Last Friday I had the pleasure of venturing to one of the art world’s most prominent display of contemporary art; 
Frieze Art Fair. 

I paid £25 for a ticket (that’s with student discount) and not to mention £26 for the coach journey, which was (my god) utterly horrific, BOTH ways. I’m not sure what it is about the customers for the national express at 7am, but if you have a hangover, in future mate, how about NOT spend the entire time of the three hour coach journey stinking the whole coach journey out?! Listening to you puking was enough to drive us re- eyed, sleep deprived students suicidal. The way back just left us somewhat concerned whether we should be calling social services, as mumma-dear kept smacking her kid, no, BABY, because she was being all cute. Okay I guess she was kind of annoying, I suppose having to look after  a hyper-active time consuming miniature  person 24/7 would get slightly tiresome, and my mumma totally beat me (jokes, but a smack bottom for not eating our Petit Filous was a regular occurrence-we needed it to make our bones grow stronger-right?) and I turned out fine.. anyway listening to babies screaming (yeah there was another one) got FUCKING OLD, QUICKLY. But, the point is, after ALL that we had went through, Frieze had a lot to live up to, and did it? I hear you ask, why yes, despite a few minor issues, it did!

The utterly huge tent in Regents Park had so much art, that once you’d spent a couple of hours wandering around (although we were on a time limit and systematically marched up the aisles) you realise you’ve only seen a third of it. The portaloos were no ordinary portaloos if you get my drift, but I suppose it’s a necessity considering the clientele of the fair; while in the queue we over heard one woman exclaim in her perfect South London Queen’s English “Har, you wouldn’t let them TOUCH your skin har har” referring to Uniqlo jeans (which coincidentally I was actually wearing so it amused me twice as much) apparently she gets all her leg wear imported from America, obviously.  Actually come to think of it there seemed to be a number stuck up self-important gentlefolk there, but I guess, despite the saying ‘art is for everyone’ events like Frieze prove that it’s just not. I’m going stop myself before if go on an ‘only the fortunate ones can afford art’ rant, and not even in the sense of buying it , I know, I’ve worked in a city school art department, they didn’t even have a pencil supply, and NONE of the classes I worked with had ever been to an exhibition in their life, so before I go on ranting, I’ll bypass the rude pretentious pencil skirt wearing over sizedglasses whores of the art fair and actually focus on the exhibition.

Pheww got that out.

But there was so much to see; and these are a few of my favourites..

the wallpaper was amazing!

yes, that is a carved condom

close-up of Grayson Perry

chair made from fluff-stuffed tights

Made entirely from cassettes 

Classic Hirst

close-up of Tracey Emin's piece